Rejection can be a tough thing to take. Sometimes you will tell yourself something to soften the blow. Sometimes you can do some soul-searching and figure out what happened. What went wrong?
There are times when some people can't do that. Some people have such grand plans for themselves they feel as if it is their destiny or even their birthright. If it doesn't unfold the way they thought or wanted, something went wrong. In fact, some people will cry "foul" because it was theirs but, in the end, it wasn't.
There are plenty of people crying "foul" this week after Senator Elizabeth Warren suspended her campaign for President this week. Warren did not get the momentum she and her supporters were hoping for on Super Tuesday. She has since decided to end her own bid and return to Senate.
Warren's announcement has brought on cries of sexism among her supporters and the media. People are intimidated by a woman running for President. They don't know what to make of her. An article in the Atlantic cites Warren not being white or male being issues that contributed to her message not resonating with voters.
Or maybe, it was just the message. I know it's hard for Warren supporters to embrace, but maybe it was her stance on issues. Instead of gender, maybe it was her trying to hide behind her staff when she was spotted leaving a private jet.
Kamala Harris, a woman, ran for president. She dropped out. Where was the rancor? Tulsi Gabbrd, a woman, continues to seek the nomination. Where was the outrage when she placed lower than Warren in the primaries? Warren placed third in the states she represents in Senate: Massachusetts. Was the state, which sent her to Senate suddenly cognizant of the fact that they had sent a woman? Did they finally realize they had elected and re-elected a woman?
What happened to Elizabeth Warren happened to someone's child when they don't make a sports team or get the lead role in the play. Supporters are so blinded by the fact that Warren's message (not her gender) doesn't appeal to people. They can't see that, however, and instead of stepping back and taking stock, it's easier to blame the coach, the teacher, or the electorate.
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