We are heading down the homestretch toward the deadline for the United States defaulting on its debt. Democrats and Republicans are still arguing in both houses why their plan is the best for the nation.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) has voiced his opposition to President Barack Obama and the Congressional Democrats for submitting solutions to the debt crisis that contain tax increases.
McConnell was quoted in an AP news article saying, "We have more important things to worry about than getting through the next election."
That's very admirable, Senator, except for one tiny detail. You gave a speech to the Heritage foundation in which you said, "Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term."
Don't believe me? See for yourself. McConnell, to his credit, admits in an interview with FOX News that is what he wants.
Senator, your top political priority right now should be working together with the Democrats toward avoiding default on the United States' debt. You and House Speaker John Boehner do nobody any service by pointing your finger at the other side of the aisle. The same can be said for President Obama and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.
Time is running out on both sides. It is time for people like Mitch McConnell to work for what's best for the country as a whole. Not for the political ambitions of a party in an election that is more than a year away.
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