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Thursday, October 20, 2011


Libyan rebels were successful today in their hunt for former Libyan dictator Moammar Ghadafi. Ghadafi was captured alive after being found in a sewer CNN.com reports he died in a crossfire between his loyalists and Libyan rebels.

While this day is being hailed as a victory for the Free World. I wonder about the implications this may have for embattled president Barack Obama. The President is less than 14 months away from Election Day and Republicans have gone after him and his economic policies that have failed to pull the nation out of its recession.

While the phrase, "It's the economy, stupid," has resonated throughout the United States since the 1992 Presedential Election when Democratic Candidate Bill Clinton delivered it on the stump, Obama may have inadvertantly stepped into some good political fortune over the past six months. Osama bin Laden was killed by Navy SeALs on the first week of May. Now Ghadafi is another feather in Obama's cap.

Let me be clear: Finding Ghadafi was a team effort between French warplanes, a U.S. drone and other resources provided by NATO. It was not the work of the United States alone. However, the hunt for the mastermind behind the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland is dead. He is the second neutralized threat to the United States and other democracy-seeking and loving nations during the Obama Administration.

Republican Presidential candidates have been debating for months. All who are running for the GOP nomination have never missed an opportunity to attack the President and his economic policies. What they cannot argue against is victories that have been scored against Al Qaeda terroists and a Libyan dictator.

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