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Greetings (Who is this guy?)

I've heard so much about the whole "Blog" thing and I have shrugged it off. I figured it was just a bunch of people who don...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Don't give back. Just give.

You see and hear a lot about how great a corporation is. Sometimes you hear about it during the Holidays ("We're giving back this time of year"). Sometimes you hear about it during the Olympics ("Proud sponsor of the U.S. Olympic Team.") One way or another, corporations are making sure you know how much they're giving back to the community.

One thing I don't understand about this is when a company says they are going to donate money but there is a little catch involved. "Everytime you but one of our product, we will donate 10 cents to the National Plant a Tree for World Peace Foundation."

How nice. You pull in millions of dollars every year and you give back by donating a miniscule percentage.

If companies really want to give back, just give. Don't attach it to how much product you will sell in a given month. Don't tell people you will donate as long as they buy a certain brand. Just give to those who are less fortunate.

Donating to causes and charities works in two ways? 1) You are helping people who are less fortunate and 2) It's good P.R. Imagine how much better that P.R. would be if you just gave instead of giving to a cause everytime you used your Visa Card at a participating McDonald's for a qualifying purchase.

Instead of collecting lids, labels and proofs of purchase to track business, why not simply give for the sake of giving and don't attach it to how much business came your way that month. Go ahead and announce it to the masses as you do it. Good P.R. never hurt anybody and it's good to let people know what you are doing for them. Just don't hold hostages by doing it according to what item you can sell.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Welcome Home. Don't have a drink.

I do not serve in the military but I am glad to see that those who do are welcomed back home after their tour fo duty. The campaign that started in Iraq in 2003 began with some uncertainty how soldiers would be treated when they returned home from a war that had many supporting and many opposing it. Some were worried it would be a repeat of Vietnam where soldiers would be disrespected for serving their country in a war that was not popular.

I am one of the people who find it wrong and foolish that an 18-year-old can be drafted into war but cannot be served alcohol. I understand that not everyone is mature enough to handle alcohol. I think those who risk their lives are entitled to a beer.

I propose a new law: Anyone who is at least 18 years old can be served alcohol in a bar or restaurant with a military ID. This law cannot be applied to liquor stores because there is no way to tell who will be getting the alcohol once the person leaves the store.

If someone is mature enough to handle a gun, be sent half a world away and risk their lives, they are certainly mature enough to handle a drink. The idea that somone can be sent far from home into danger but cannot be served a drink because they are now "too young" makes no sense. Make this law. It's the least we can do for those who served their country.