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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Massachusetts State Ballot Questions 2010

The polls throughout the commonwealth of Massachusetts are opening as I write this. I know I should have done this earlier but I want to give you my proverbial two cents on the ballot questions today.

Question 1 asks whether to repeal the sales tax on alcohol. Alcohol in Massachusetts is already taxed. This additional tax is an unfair and unnecessary double tax. Vote Yes.

Question 2 looks into changing the existing system of applying for building affordable housing. I have been back-and-forth about this and couldn't decide. Normally I am against a bureaucracy but in this case I think it helps to have input from the various departments of a community. Vote No.

Question 3 asks voters if they want to roll the state sales tax from 6.25% to 3%. I have been saying this for almost a year. Rolling back the sales tax will not only help the local businesses but also the state. Vote Yes.

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