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I've heard so much about the whole "Blog" thing and I have shrugged it off. I figured it was just a bunch of people who don...

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Minneapolis Union Fighting to Reinstate Accused Cops

The four police officers charged in the death of George Floyd have been stripped of their jobs and are in prison awaiting trial but a story on nbcnews.com details the attempts of the local union to help the four win their jobs back.

According to Bob Kroll, the President of the Minneapolis Police Officers Union, The officers arrested and charged in Floyd's death, Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao were fired, "without due process". Kroll went on to say in a letter to the union that efforts were underway to get their jobs back.

If this is true, than the process used to remove the four officers from their jobs should be reviewed. Those who are accused of breaking the law should have their day to defend themselves and their jobs. George Floyd did not get this. That is true. However, this is why the four were removed from duty and that case is still pending. At the same time, Chauvin, Kueng, Lane and Thao were arrested and charged with multiple crimes including third-degree murder, manslaughter and aiding and abetting. They are being held at a correctional facility in Minnesota. If they were to get their jobs back, it would be hard to report for duty from there.

George Floyd: All four former Minneapolis Police officers involved ...
photo: cnn.com

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Struggles with the North End's Re-opening

There will be a meeting today for  North End restauranteurs regarding a number of concerns residents are dealing with as Massachusetts allows restaurants to open for business with outdoor-dining as Corona (Covid-19) continues its presence. Among the concerns are loud music blaring on the street, patrons smoking, and tables being set up beyond the allowed layout.

Anyone who does not attend the meeting will not be able to serve customers. In the story linked, some owners report hearing so many things and they are hoping the meeting can provide some clarification.

Some of this may indeed be a matter of misunderstanding. Restaurants thought the tables could extend to a certain point when in fact, that is not the case. The music? Possibly just restaurants trying to provide some ambiance. "Loud" is a relative term.

Smoking? Not allowed inside a restaurant. Could customers be trying to get around that by saying they are outside? Maybe, but the restaurants must work to explain to their customers what is acceptable and what is not. Restaurants, especially the independently-owned ones, desperately need this phase of re-opening to remain in business. The employees are depending on this as well.

Customers who are rude and unruly are not helping the matter at all and restaurants would be well within their rights to remove those customers and refuse service. State and municipal leaders are working together with businesses to make sure people can return to work. Would police officers walking around the area help if there is a disturbance or confusion as to the rules?

If a patron enters the restaurant and does not follow the rules, it is the restaurants that will suffer the consequences. The restaurants can remind those who are not following the rules what the regulations and acceptable behaviors are. Customers who follow the rules can help by reminding a nearby party. If not, the restaurant should remove the disrespectful people from their respective establishment. The business won't be missed. A lot of people are anxious to get back out.

Friday, June 05, 2020

A Movie About Race Relations to Bring the People Together

Since the death of George Floyd and the subsequent arrests of the police officers involved, there has been a national dialogue on race relations and what can be done to improve them; Especially when it comes to law enforcement. People across the country have marched in the streets, mostly in a peaceful manner, calling for reforms to how police react to alleged crimes being committed.

I saw a movie a long time ago called "Undercover Brother". The movie is about a black man who is recruited by a black organization (The Brotherhood) to infiltrate white culture and prevent "The Man" from holding down the black people. The movie is a comedy and it is great on so many levels. It is funny but, more important, it contains every assumption white people have of black people and vice versa.

There is talk of drive-in movie theatres making a comeback. People are wanting to go to the movies and still "socially distance". Towns and schools sponsor "Movie Nights". This should be in the upcoming schedule. Let both races come together and laugh. Let them sit together and enjoy a movie. It will help to alleviate the tensions that have risen.

White and black people say they want the races to come together. Do just that. Eat some popcorn have a drink. Learn how a white man gets to intern for The Brotherhood. Learn what happens to black people when they eat mayonnaise. Sit down and laugh without worrying about someone potentially being offended. It's a movie. It's meant to entertain and amuse people, black people, white people. People. It will make you laugh. It won't bring George Floyd back. It won't change the past. Nothing will. It might bring some people together, even after the movie ends.

Undercover Brother (2002)* - Whats After The Credits? | The ...
photo: aftercredits.com