Imagine this: You're driving down the interstate. No traffic. Car is running great. The speed limit is clearly marked 65 M.P.H. You're driving 80 M.P.H. but it doesn't feel like it because the car is running so smooth. When you get home, do you call the State Police and inform them of what you did and ask them where you should send the check because you were speeding?
If you answered, "No," I hope you're not one of those people waiting for Warren Buffett to volunteer his money to the I.R.S.
Warren Buffett is worth $39 billion according to He is known as the "Oracle of Omaha" because of his enviable success rate when it comes to picking stocks. When he speaks, investors everywhere listen.
One thing Buffett has said that continues to be picked up and repeated by the media and even President Barack Obama involves the tax rate Buffett is in and how that relates to the bracket of his secretary. In an interview with ABC last month, Buffett called it "outrageous" that his secretary, Debbie Bosanek, pays a higher tax bracket than he does.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has also joined the debate. Recently, Christie told CNN's Piers Morgan that Buffett should "just write a check and shut up."
As someone once told me in an unrelated conversation: Shame on them for making it so easy.
Warren Buffett is a mythical figure in the United States, especially on Wall Street. I for one would kill just to be able to have lunch with him. Warren Buffett pretty much said the Money Game is rigged to favor people who have his kind of wealth. He has constantly said the rules need to be changed but that doesn't mean he should have to voluntary divest his wealth and give it to the I.R.S.
President Obama and the Congress must figure out ways to make and keep budgets every year. It is up to them to do it through taxes and the laws that govern them. It's not up to Warren Buffett to make it easier for them.