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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The End of "The Chicago Code"

I'm not one of those people who watched "The Chicago Code" from the beginning. I don't even know how I started watching it but it became one of my favorite television shows after I saw my first episode.

FOX announced the series would not return for a second season. At first, I was disappointed with the network's decision but my reaction was nothing compared to that of Windy City residents as reported by the Chicago Tribune.

As much as I enjoyed watching the show, I think FOX is making the right decision. The ending of the season/series was magnificent. (I'm not going into any details in case your DVR is backed up.)

FOX would be taking a lot of chances with a second and third season. Television shows all too often fall into the same traps and lame plot devices. How many times could Ronin Gibbons stretch the law and evade Wysocki and Colvin. How may more times could Liam Hennessy count his lucky stars after the Deus ex Machina intervenes again.

How many more seasons need to happen before finding out how Ted Mosby meets his wife in "How I Met Your Mother"? How much longer before Booth and Bones finally decide to take things to the next level? It's worn-out gimmicks like these that make fans roll their eyes and walk away.

"The Chicago Code" didn't do any of that. The series ended in just the right way with questions answered and loose ends tied. Fans of the show should be careful for what they wish for before they find out what too much of a good thing can be.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011


The death of Osama bin Laden has not only closed a chapter in the United States' War on Terror. It also appears to create another problem. This problem deals with people in the United States.

Reports are coming out that American Indians are unhappy with the code name assigned to bin Laden: Geronimo.

The Associated Press reported that Loretta Tuell, staff director and chief counsel for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, has objected to the use of the name in the covert Navy SeALs mission. Tuell is one of many people of American Indian descent who believe using the name insults the Indian warrior of the same name and diminishes the contributions made by American Indians who served in the United States military.

Using the code name was no meant to insult or diminish anyone who belongs to an Indian tribe or however they have served their country. The sole purpose of using the code name was the same as using every other code name: To make sure anyone who may be listening in on the radio relays does not understand the topics or the targets of who or what forces are going after.

Referring to Osama bin Laden as "Geronimo" was not meant as an insult to the fighter or anyone who decsends from a tribe. No one in planning this attack was looking for a specific Indian name or any particular nationality or culture. When a mission of this magnitude is being planned, the name of the target is not important. What is important is the intelligence gathered and whether the mission is successful.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Osama Bin Laden is reported to have been killed as the result of a Special Forces raid. Bin Laden is said to have been killed in a mansion 100 kilometers away from Islamabad, Pakistan's capital city. His body is reported to be in custody of American forces. President Barack Obama addressed the nation following a briefing with advisors. The President was originally scheduled to address the Nation under the pretense of National Security before word of Bin Laden's death spread.
"We will be relentless in the defense of our friends and our allies," the President said in his address to the nation. "Justice has been done."
 New York City is expected to be on heightned alert following the death of Bin Laden, the mastermind behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Precautions have been taken at U.S. Embassies all over the world. In Washington D.C, a crowd gathered in front of th White House and chanted "U.S.A."
A son of Bin Laden is also expected to killed in the firefight as well as a woman who was being used by al Qaeda as a human shield.
One helicopter crashed in the mission. The helicopter was destroyed by American forces to prevent Al Qaeda from gathering intelligence from it.
Bin Laden was 54 at the time of his death. He had been on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list since 1999.